What a Terrific Time to come back! I know you all must have pondered on my whereabouts. Well, I wasn't kidnapped OR adultnapped, neither did I go to Dubai.. It's been work all through. I know you can feel the excitement as CHANGE is already taking place, why won't I be excited? I have a lot of gists for you but lets jump to the current matter. After meeting and being offered the opportunity to FLY his profile and NEW RELEASE, i was dead drunk in JOY..hahahaha. It's not a movie even though the VIDEO is in the works already. Guess who and what I am whining about... The incredible IKAGWU JOE.. For those of you who don't know him, here is a brief review... Joseph Ikawgu Abutu fondly Known as (Ikagwu Joe) is a gospel minister sent to deliver God's people from all oppression via music. A graduate of Geo-planning from kogi state university has been in the music circles for quite a long time. He is highly regarded for his hit song "Odoba" which was nomi...